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Dynamic Story tellling

Narrator 1: As Dora and Boots follow the path leading to their adventure, they stumble upon a mysterious portal.


(Shake the blue cloth on the floor)


Boots: Dora! Look! A portal!


Dora: Everybody! Do you see a portal? (Blink twice)


(Raise the cloth, and Dora and Boots jump into it)


Narrator 2: Dora and Boots meet Dora's cousin, Diego, after jumping into the portal.


(Diego pops into the frame)


Dora: Diego! Hola, el primo!


Diego: ¡Hola, prima!


Dora: Diego, do you have any idea where we are?


Diego: Unfortunately not. Ooh! Let's ask the map!


Dora: What a great idea, el primo!


Dora: Who do we ask for help when we don’t know which way to go? (Pause, blinks twice) The map! That’s right!


Boots: Map! Say Map! Say Map! (Cheers, jumping up and down)


Map: I'm the map, I'm the map ♪ I'm the map! (Sings The Map theme song) Ooooh! Dora, Diego, and Boots need to get to Samaria and Jerusalem!


To get to the towns, you have to go through the thick, hot, dry desert. Next, you arrive in the city of Samaria. There you will meet the King and the people of Samaria. Next, you will climb the mountains before arriving in the City of Jerusalem, where you will meet King Zedekiah and his people. So remember! Desert, Samaria, Mountains, Jerusalem!


Dora: ¡Fantástico! Let's explore these places and learn more about them. Gracias, Map! Boots, do you see the desert and the mountains?


Boots: Where?? Where?!..... Ooh! There! I see them, Dora! They're right in front of us.


Dora: Perfecto! Let's start with the desert. We'll need to be prepared for the heat and make sure we have enough water. Will you check my backpack for some water? (Blinks twice) You have to say backpack!


All: Backpack!


Backpack: ♪ Backpack, Backpack ♪ Backpack, Backpack ♪ Yeah! Hola soy Backpack! To get past the desert, we need something to drink for hydration! Right! We need some water! Here’s some water, Dora!


NARRATOR 2: The trio begins their journey through the scorching desert, encountering sand dunes and the blazing sun.


Dora: (Singing) ♪ We're crossing the desert, with the sun up high, where it's super hot, and the sand is dry. ♪


Narrator 1: As Dora and Boots journey through the desert, they come across the city of Samaria.


Dora: Look, Boots! We've made it to Samaria! Let's see what we can learn here.


Narrator 2: In Samaria, they meet the King and his people, who welcome them and share stories from the Bible.


King: Welcome, travelers! We are delighted to have you here. Samaria is a place rich with history and stories from the Bible.


Dora: Thank you, Your Highness! We're on a journey to learn about these amazing stories.


Narrator 1: They listen to tales from the Bible and discover the significance of Samaria.


King of Samaria: Once upon a time, the people of Samaria were disobedient to God. They participated in rituals and in idolatry! Pause

(Without dialogue, just show a brief scene wherein the people were engaging in idolatry, worshipping two gold calves, and other sinful acts)

So, God got really, really mad! He sent some prophets down to the town to warn them, urging them to turn back to God and repent!


Prophets: God wants you to turn back to Him, the one True God, and repent of your sins! It’s not too late, there is still time!


King: But… the people did not obey! They ignored this warning, continuing with their sinful acts.

(Show the townsfolk ignoring the prophets, and continue to worship other idols.)


King: So, He sent the Assyrians to capture the town of Samaria after a three-year-long siege, deporting the people to Assyria.

(Show scenes of soldiers capturing the town, deporting the townsfolk)


Dora: Wow! That was really interesting, your Highness! Thank you for sharing the story of your city’s history!


King: Goodbye, travelers!


Boots: This is incredible, Dora! Pause But now we need to climb the mountains to reach Jerusalem.


Dora: You're right, Boots. The mountains are our next destination. Let's make sure we're well-prepared for the climb.


Backpack: Backpack, Backpack, Backpack, Backpack, yeah! Hola, soy Backpack! In order to climb the mountains, we will need some climbing equipment to help them in their journey! I hope this will help you in your journey, Dora and friends!


Narrator 2: The trio begins their ascent up the rugged mountains, encountering steep trails and beautiful scenery.


Dora: (Singing) ♪ We're climbing the mountains, it's quite a view, on this adventure, we'll learn something new. ♪


Narrator 1: As they reach the top of the mountains, they finally arrive in the City of Jerusalem, where they meet King Zedekiah and his people.


Dora: We made it to Jerusalem, Boots! Let's find out more about this place.


King Zedekiah: Welcome, young travelers! Jerusalem is a city with a deep and storied past, as you will soon discover.


Dora: Thank you, Your Majesty! We're here to learn and explore the history of Jerusalem.


Narrator 2: They listen to stories and learn about the significance of Jerusalem, making new friends along the way.


Just like the Assyrian exile, The Babylonian exile has a similar plot.

(Show townsfolk disobeying God)


Dora: What a remarkable adventure, Boots! We've journeyed through the desert, visited Samaria, climbed the mountains, and reached Jerusalem.


Boots: Yes, Dora, and we've learned so much about these places and their importance in the Bible.


Dora: Our journey has been truly enlightening. Now, it's time to head back through the portal to share our newfound knowledge with our friends.


Narrator 1: The trio returns through the portal, taking with them the stories and lessons they've learned from their incredible adventure.


Dora: Gracias, amigos, for joining us on this memorable journey! Remember, exploring and learning can be amazing adventures in themselves.


Boots: Adiós, amigos! See you on the next adventure!


Dora: Come on Vamonos! Everybody let's go!

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