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Unraveling the Timeless Relevance of the Old Testament


The Exilic Stage in the Bible refers to a significant period in ancient Israelite history marked by the exile of the people from their homeland. It primarily encompasses the Babylonian Captivity, a critical event where the Babylonians, under Nebuchadnezzar II, conquered Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple, and exiled a significant portion of the Jewish population to Babylon.

The two main exiles are typically identified: the first in 597 BC, involving the deportation of elite individuals, and the more significant exile in 586 BC, following the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. This period lasted roughly 70 years until Cyrus the Great of Persia allowed the Jews to return to their homeland and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.

The Exilic Stage had profound impacts on the religious, cultural, and theological aspects of Judaism. It prompted reflection on the reasons for the exile, encouraged the recording and preservation of religious texts and traditions, and inspired the development of prophetic literature, addressing both the reasons for the exile and the hope for restoration.


During this period, key biblical texts were composed or edited, including portions of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Lamentations, and some Psalms, reflecting the struggles, hopes, and theological interpretations of this time of displacement and longing for restoration.

The return from exile marked a pivotal moment in Jewish history, where a renewed focus on religious practices, traditions, and the study of scriptures helped shape the identity and faith of the Jewish people for centuries to come.

5 stages of the old testment

Dynamic story telling

Looking for alternative storytelling? In this particular story, we decided to spice it up! Welcome to Dora's adventure in the Exilic Stage!

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